There are two types of membership at DFV:
All rules and regulations regarding membership can be found in our Articles of Association.
There are two types of membership at DFV:
All rules and regulations regarding membership can be found in our Articles of Association.
The membership in the DFV is acquired by paying a one-time admission fee of € 120. The annual fee for commercial members is € 240.
For private members, the one-off admission fee is waived.
The annual fee is € 120.
The Articles of Association of the DFV govern the tasks and membership in the registered Association.
Articles of Association Deutscher Floating Verband e.V.
(German Floating Association)
§ 1 Name, Domicile
1. The Association bears the name “Deutscher Floating Verband e.V.” (German Floating Association)
1.2 It is recorded in the Register of Associations in Munich under the number VR 202461 and carries the
addendum “eingetragener Verein, e.V.“ (registered association)
1.3 The Association is domiciled in 1, Herzogstr., 80803 Munich.
§ 2 Purpose
2.1 The purpose of the Association comprises the following points:
Representation of the interests of operators and manufacturers of saline spas
• in relation to governmental authorities (fiscal and trade)
• in relation to private and public health insurance funds
• in public relations
Encouraging university research
• Collection, cataloguing, and digitalizing of existing research data
• Development of a quality seal for the operation of saline spas
• Definition of a standard procedure to check the water quality
• Promotion of a register for commercially used floatation systems within the German (DIN) or European
• Networking with other associations / umbrella organizations, e.g.
• Deutscher Medical Wellness Verband
• Deutscher Heilbäderverband
• Buying legal expense insurance for the Association’s members
2.2 In order to follow the purpose of its Articles of Association, it is primarily intended to implement the
following measures:
• Setup and operation of a website
• Creation and distribution of a newsletter and other information leaflets
• Acquisition of paying members
• Public relations
• Set-up and maintaining contact to university and other research establishments
• Set-up of a network to doctors and therapists
2.3 The Association’s resources shall be used solely for the purpose of the Association as set forth in the Articles of Association. The members shall not receive any allocations from the Association’s funds.
2.4 No person may benefit from disbursements which are contrary to the purpose of the Association or from
disproportionately high remuneration.
§ 3 Membership
3.1 Any natural or legal person may become a member of the Association.
3.2 The executive committee decides on the admission upon written application. In the case of minors,
the application form must be completed by the parent or legal guardian.
3.3 A withdrawal of membership in the Association is possible at any time. It must be declared in writing to the
executive committee.
3.4 A member can be excluded from the Association if his/her behaviour is in serious conflict with the interests of the Association. The exclusion is decided by a general meeting.
3.5 Membership ends with death, exclusion, being struck from the membership list or by withdrawal of membership. A member can be struck from the membership list by a resolution of the executive committee if the member remains with his/her membership fee or surcharges in arrears despite two written reminders. The resolution of the board concerning the striking of membership must be communicated to the member. There is no right of appeal against this resolution.
3.6 The withdrawn or excluded member has no claim to the Association’s assets
3.7 Members must pay current annual membership fees of €240 for commercial members and €120 for private members. The fees are due latest on December 28th of the year preceding the year of membership. The one-time registration fee amounts to €120 for commercial members and €0 for private members.
In order to finance special projects or to eliminate financial difficulties of the Association, surcharges can be levied. In special cases the board may either completely or partially waive fees, membership fees and surcharges
or defer them.
§ 4 Executive Committee
4.1 The executive committee of the Association is comprised of a chairman, a second chairman and a third chairman. Each represents the Association individually.
4.2 The executive committee members are chosen by the general meeting for a period of two years; however, they remain in office until a replacement has been elected.
4.3 A protocol is to be kept of the decisions made during executive committee meetings.
§ 5 General Meetings
5.1 The ordinary general meeting takes place upon invitation by the executive committee or when a minimum
of 25% of all members request it in writing under indication of the purpose and reasons to the executive
5.2 Every general meeting of members is to be called by the executive committee announcing the agenda and
with a notice period of 4 weeks.
5.3 The chairman of the meeting is the chairman and in case of his/her hindrance, the second chairman. In case both are absent, a chairman shall be elected by the general meeting. A recording secretary shall be elected
by the general meeting.
5.4 The members present at any duly convened general meeting shall constitute a quorum, irrespective of their number.
5.5 The resolutions of the general meeting shall be passed by simple majority of all valid votes cast. However, in order to change the Articles of Association and the purpose of the Association, a ¾ majority of all valid votes cast is required.
5.6 A protocol of the resolutions from the general meeting is to be kept and signed by the chairman and the recording secretary.
§ 6 Dissolution, Accrued Assets of the Association
6.1 A ¾ majority of all valid votes cast is required to dissolve the Association.
6.2 In case the Association is dissolved, loses its legal capacity or its tax privileged purpose ceases, the
Association’s assets fall to a non-profit organization or Association as determined by the last chairman. I Copyright © 2010 Deutscher Floating Verband e.V.