Rehabilitative Medicine
The goal of rehabilitative medicine is to restore the physical and organ functions of the patient through physio-therapeutical measures. These measures are usually taken if the patient has had an accident, or has injured her/himself whilst doing sports or engaging in other activities.
The successful restoration of lost or impaired muscular-skeletal functions, often occurring after operations, depends to a large extent on post-operational rehabilitation treatment.
Comprehensive rehabilitation concepts have been including various types of spa treatments for a while now. The advantages of floating in a saturated saline solution are clearly identifiable:
• the floating effect enables irritated bones and joints after an operation to be immobilized, thus inducing more rapid healing.
• whiplash often goes together with small fractures of various processes of the cervical vertebrae, which are often not diagnosed sufficiently. Patients often suffer for months. Floating loosens sprained neck muscles and allows the cervical vertebrae to lie straight and without any pressure. This often leads to surprisingly quick results.
• Similarly, smaller injuries like pulled muscles, sprains and contusions are relieved through floating and the overall relaxation of the nervous system (reduction of external stimuli).
• Muscular relaxation and the effect of sensory deprivation reduce the stimulation of the nervous system enormously. This leads to larger endorphin production in the brain and the convalescent patient often describes a subjectively lower sensation of pain.
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